Skills portals

Upskilling and cross-skilling for industry sectors

Specialised hubs where you can find resources and courses for specific fields and industries

NPL undertakes excellent science and engineering to deliver extraordinary impact for the UK and provide the measurement capability that underpins the UK’s prosperity and quality of life. Our expertise is crucial in researching, developing and testing new products and processes.

NPL Training works directly with our science teams and STEM-focussed industries to understand where skills gaps exist, and how we can support in upskilling and cross-skilling talent. 

As part of this, we are developing ‘Skills portals’ — hubs of resources, courses, and training materials — to support skills development in different fields of science or industry sectors. Skills portals will be updated as new resources and courses become available, so be sure to check back for the latest.

Explore the skills portals currently available below.