About NPL Training

Metrology skills and training from NPL, the UK's National Metrology Institute

About NPL

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK’s National Metrology Institute (NMI), developing and maintaining the national primary measurement standards, as well as collaborating with other NMIs to maintain the international system of measurement. As a public sector research establishment, we deliver extraordinary impact by providing the measurement capability that underpins the UK’s prosperity and quality of life. We develop the metrology required to ensure the timely and successful deployment of new technologies, and work with organisations as they develop and test new products and processes. Visit the NPL website to learn more about our research and measurement services.

About NPL Training

We are committed to sharing our expertise to build and enhance measurement skills and capabilities. We offer options for learners, from self-paced e-learning and hands-on practicals with our experts at NPL, to structured learning pathways and apprenticeships.  

Our training covers the importance of metrology, advancements in measurement science and engineering, and the application of best measurement practice across a wide variety of disciplines.

Many of our training courses were developed in collaboration with academia, industry, and government specialists. Our training is focused on directly meeting national and international scientific and engineering skills gaps.

Good metrology and measurement practices can have a direct impact on productivity and profitability. Our courses enable learners to make a difference within their workplaces, giving them the opportunity to generate a return on training investment by improving their organisation’s measurement capability.

Frequently asked questions

Have a question about NPL Training? Below are some common questions — click on each question to expand the box and see the answer.

While most of our learners are in the UK, we have learners from around the world. They are from many different industry sectors and at various stages in their career, from students and apprentices to professionals looking to refresh or expand their skillset.

We offer courses online, in the classroom, or a blend of both. Our courses share best practice and knowledge from our scientists and engineers to support research, industry, innovation and knowledge in the UK and around the world.

Our online courses use a combination of text, video, and interactive activities to present information in an educationally sound way. We focus on quality content presented in an accessible way to ensure learners get the most out of their NPL Training experience. To get an idea of what our courses are like, we encourage you to enrol in our free ‘Measurement Explained’ e-learning course.

Our classroom courses and Level 3 Metrology Technician Apprenticeship are led by our qualified NPL Training Delivery specialists, in partnership with scientists from across the lab, and our delivery network.

Some of our classroom training is offered in different locations via our delivery network. For more information, please visit our Delivery Network page.

You can contact NPL Training by emailing us: training@npl.co.uk

We look forward to hearing from you!

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If you need any further information, please get in touch.