Internationally agreed methods of evaluating measurement uncertainty are detailed in the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement. The GUM is an essential resource for measurement professionals, and this course is designed to support the use of it.
Becoming familiar with the methods detailed in the GUM can require the assimilation of many abstract concepts simultaneously, which can prove difficult, depending on the prior experience of the learner. In addition, we want to promote genuine understanding of measurement situations, rather than just a ‘calculation recipe’.
This course views measurement uncertainty through the ‘lens’ of uncertainty budgets. This is because they are a fundamental tool used by a wide range of professionals and provide a visual way to understand abstract concepts in uncertainty evaluation. Uncertainty budgets can thus help to improve the accessibility of those concepts to non-statisticians. This course is part of our Measurement Uncertainty learning pathway. We recommend that learners complete ‘Introduction to Measurement Uncertainty’ before enrolling in this course.
This course consists of four modules:
Learners who successfully complete the course and assessments will receive an NPL Certificate of Completion.
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