Traceable Measurement of Drivetrain Components for Renewable Energy Systems

Already a significant source of energy worldwide, wind energy systems (WESs) have doubled their nominal output power every 4 years since the 1980s. While the desired lifetime for WES is 20 years, very few actually reach this milestone without at least two mechanical failures of major components. When wind turbine systems fail, they can be down for days — or even weeks. This leads to increased costs for maintenance and risks for repair personnel, especially if the WES is installed offshore.

Using better measurement methods, the performance of key drivetrain components can be improved and we can greatly reduce the mechanical failures the industry currently faces.

This course consists of three modules:

  • Module 1: Project overview and fundamental metrological principles
  • Module 2: Measuring form and function of drivetrain components
  • Module 3: Reducing uncertainty and improving measurement methods


This course was developed as part of the DriveTrain project. Several European National Measurement Institutes, designated institutes, and companies collaborated under EMRP (European Metrology Research Programme) to test drivetrain components under harsh conditions, evaluating thermo-mechanical behaviour of the parts, to establish new good practices and help establish measurement standards for the WES industry.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the main objectives of the DriveTrain project
  • Understand the measurement considerations for different WES drivetrain components
  • Identify sources of uncertainty relating to the measurement of common WES drivetrain components