Introduction to Trustworthy AI

Welcome to NPL’s Trustworthy AI e-learning course, developed in partnership with the AI Standards Hub. NPL is developing the measurement standards required to enable trustworthy AI and traceability for the data it uses. This is important for a range of emerging technologies across many different sectors, like health, trade and transport. And the question arises: Are these AI systems trustworthy?

It’s important to be aware that trustworthy AI is about more than just trust, as people might put their trust in a technology that’s not trustworthy — that could actually cause them harm. Trustworthiness is about enabling AI technologies and showing that they are worthy of being trusted in the first place. And how we do this, how we show trustworthiness, is the main question we’re going to address in this course.

Learners who successfully complete this short course will receive an NPL Certificate of Completion.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify different kinds of artificial intelligence and provide examples of how they are used
  • Explore some of the concerns people have regarding the use of AI technologies
  • Define what we mean by ‘trustworthy AI’
  • Explain the role of third-party organisations in helping us to move towards trustworthy AI