Laser linewidth is a measure of the ‘spectral broadening’ of the light emitted by the laser. Knowledge of a laser’s linewidth is key to understanding whether a specific laser is suitable for a variety of applications, such as telecommunications, precision timing, LIDAR, and more. The most straightforward method of measuring linewidth is by using an optical spectrum analyser. However, this technique has limitations, including poor measurement resolution, so it can’t be used for narrow linewidth devices.
This course is aimed at engineers, technicians, scientists and graduates with a basic understanding of laser principles who want to know more about laser linewidth measurement techniques, including Fabry–Pérot interferometry, the delayed self-heterodyne method, the heterodyne method, and use of commercial linewidth analysers.
Learners will gain practical knowledge to interpret measurement results, assess measurement quality and discuss different linewidth measurement techniques for precision applications in industry, whether at large suppliers or start-ups.
A preexisting understanding of basic laser operating principles and optical components used in setups is important for this course.
At NPL, our scientists offer a laser linewidth measurement consultancy, where they can recommend methods to evaluate laser linewidths from ~100 MHz to sub-Hz widths for laser wavelengths between 350 nm and 2 microns.
The NPL laser linewidth consultancy can also include advice on:
Note that this expertise is available for laser manufacturers or end users who need to perform laser linewidth and frequency stability measurements. Depending on the wavelength and target linewidth, NPL may be able to offer in-house measurements. For more information, please visit the NPL Laser Linewidth Consultancy website.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
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