Radionuclide Calibrator

In a nuclear medicine procedure, a patient receives a specified activity of a radionuclide (most commonly a gamma-emitting radionuclide) for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. It is essential that the activity given to the patient is well-known. The principal instrument used to measure the activity of a radioactive source used in medicine is the radionuclide calibrator.

This course has been designed to support the effective use of radionuclide calibrators in a clinical setting. It teaches learners the right skills and strategies to use when operating them, and provides a methodological approach when implementing quality assurance tasks and identifying sources of uncertainty. More specifically, this course will help learners:

  • To maximise the accuracy of activity measurements in hospitals, leading to better outcomes for patients
  • To help meet nuclear medicine competencies, and thus comply with regulations
  • To improve quality assurance processes, leading to increased confidence in radionuclide calibrator performance
  • To improve assessment of processes and outcomes, through enhanced understanding of measurement uncertainty


This course consists of four modules:

  • Module 1: How a radionuclide calibrator works
  • Module 2: Derivation of calibration factors and dial settings for radionuclide calibrators
  • Module 3: Quality assurance for radionuclide calibrators
  • Module 4: Uncertainty for radionuclide calibrators


Learners who successfully complete the course and assessments will receive an NPL Certificate of Completion.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the operation of a radionuclide calibrator and its constituent parts
  • Understand the term calibration factor
  • Explain the factors affecting the response of an ionisation chamber
  • Use the specifications of a range of radionuclide calibrators to recommend the most appropriate in a given situation
  • Understand the importance of traceability to activity measurement
  • Understand the calibration of secondary standard radionuclide calibrators against primary standards, and field instruments against reference instruments
  • Use a range of strategies to derive calibration factors and dial settings, taking into account the geometries of source and chamber
  • Use copper filters appropriately in the measurement of beta-emitters and low-energy gamma emitters
  • Be able to perform a range of acceptance and Quality Assurance tests, including linearity, repeatability and accuracy
  • Identify the main sources of uncertainty in radionuclide calibrator measurements
  • Evaluate measurement uncertainty in a given situation for a radionuclide calibrator